What's New



Camp Firelight VBS

Camp Firelight Vacation Bible School will be held June 10-13 from 9:00 a.m. – noon. All children four years old – fifth grade are invited to participate in a fun week of learning about trusting in God. You can register online at https://first-presbyterian-church.mycokesburyvbs.com/register-child. The cost is $15 per child with a $30 maximum per family, and this includes a T-shirt. Money can be turned into the church office or mailed. (650 Summers Ave, Orangeburg 29115) Please make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church and include VBS in the memo line.

If you would like to volunteer to help during VBS, you can sign up at https://first-presbyterian-church.mycokesburyvbs.com/register-volunteer.

THE SANCTUARY FLOWER CALENDAR has multiple dates open. If you wish to choose a Sunday to place flowers in the church contact Jane Holladay (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 347-5977).

WORSHIP IS IN-PERSON AND VIA LIVESTREAM ON SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 11:00. Use these links to access the church’s YouTube Channel and Facebook Page for sermons, Sunday School videos for children, devotions, and our church members reading books for our children.

